November 20, 2023

Plants That Thrive in the Midwest

While planning your garden layout, there are so many factors to consider - whether you want to attract butterflies and other pollinators, which colors complement the architecture of your home, routine maintenance needed, etc. Each of these goals come with different plants that pair well, but what we should recognize most of all is whether or not those plants thrive in the Midwest. While we may not boast the palm trees of our sunny southern states, there are plenty of gorgeous plants that do well year after year right here in Indiana… So how do we find them? 
August 30, 2023

Why Should I Plant in the Fall?

When we’re thinking of our end-of-season checklists, we typically think of closing down our irrigation, raking leaves, and pruning back our grasses and perennials. But let’s not forget about one very important fall to-do: planting! While it’s more common to hear about homeowners planting in the spring, what's so great about waiting until the fall instead?
June 28, 2023

The Importance of Using High-Quality Pavers

Have you ever been knee-deep in a home improvement project, standing in a hardware store aisle, staring at hundreds of samples that look exactly the same? Or maybe you’ve chosen the material, but you are wondering why one sample costs double the amount of another? Well, we’re here to end the home improvement guessing game… at least when it comes to your outdoor area, and more specifically, your paver patio.